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Professional poultry shears and knives allow your workers to get more meat off the bone and increase your yield.

Increasing Industrial Poultry Processing Yield With Better Shears & Knives

Soaring demand for poultry from inflation-hit consumers and continuing supply challenges across the industry mean it has never been more important to get more meat off the birds on your line. And, where yield is critical, using the right tools matters. Here’s how choosing purpose-made quality poultry shears or knives keeps you ahead of the flock.

Get the Edge With Professional Poultry Shears and Knives

More and more American families are choosing poultry as an affordable source of complete animal protein as food price inflation bites deeper into household budgets, driving up both demand and prices for chicken and other popular poultry products.

At the same time, producers are scrambling to make up a shortage of available birds following the HPAI outbreak that affected flocks in the eastern and central U.S. earlier this year, while feedstock prices, particularly for corn, are also feeling the pinch from spiking energy prices.

All this means processors are under pressure to maximize yield from the valuable meat currently on their lines. Professional poultry shears and knives are designed to allow every team member to cut cleaner and easier, reducing waste and improving both safety and speed to keep your line moving and your orders on track.

Specialist producers like Wolff Industries understand how important high-quality, well-designed cutting tools are to the industry. Here’s why choosing premium, dedicated poultry-processing knives and shears will make a difference to your operation.

Premium Materials, Quality Build

There really is no substitute for good-quality build and materials. Well-made knives or shears will cut better from the get-go and hold their edge longer too. That means faster, cleaner cutting on the table or on the cone.

Wolff Industries uses premium U.S.-made cold-rolled steel for our poultry shears, each treated with our proprietary heat-tempering process to increase both hardness and wear. We also supply quality Japanese-made KAI poultry shears. All of our blades are “twice as sharp,” hold their edge longer, and can be resharpened more often.

Custom Blades

Every poultry operation is different. No matter the size or type of bird you're handling, you’ll do better with purpose-designed tools. A specialty supplier like Wolff Industries will provide you with blades specifically made for use on poultry and customized for your specific needs.

Small changes can make a big difference when you’re processing in bulk. Talk to Wolff about how our custom curved shears can help you get close to the bone of your birds to trim waste and deliver big gains in yield.

Ergonomic Design

It’s just as important to choose cutting tools that allow your team to work with safety, speed, and confidence. Your workers will appreciate the ergonomic design and “soft but strong” feel of Wolff’s famous green handles, while all our shears are secured with a mechanically locking pivot nut designed to ensure optimal blade tension.

Our shears are available in three different handle sizes as well as in left-handed configurations. We can also blunt our blade tips to prevent buddy pokes. Our tools are designed to keep more hands on the line by preventing accidents, reducing fatigue, and decreasing the likelihood of serious—and expensive—repetitive strain injuries.


Failing to use scissors or blades designed for use in food handling and processing applications raises the chance of food contamination in your plant—and the risk that large quantities of meat might have to be discarded to ensure safety.

General-use scissors or knives are simply not designed for the rigorous cleaning and sterilization processes the meat and poultry industry demands. Wolff Industries chemically bonds our plastic handles to our food-grade stainless steel shear blades. This ensures hygiene by eliminating gaps where bacteria could grow.


Lost knives or shears represent another major food contamination in your plant. With anywhere from 20 to 200 blades on the floor, the risk is real, even with industry-standard safety measures like metal detectors in place. Choosing your blade supplier wisely can help prevent plant shutdowns and lost production.

Wolff helps ensure safety and security with unique serial numbers and scannable bar codes for all of our knives and shears to help you track every sharp edge in your plant. Codes and serial numbers are also fully compatible with our Wolff Trax blade tracing system.

Service and Support

Maximizing yield extends beyond the processing floor to the service and support you receive from your suppliers. As a key consumable in our industry, having a reliable knife and shears supplier is essential to ensure you recover as much product as possible from each bird.

As one of the biggest suppliers of cutting equipment to the poultry processing industry, Wolff knows how quickly you can go through blades and how critical it is to have sharp equipment on hand when you need it. We offer our customers:

  •     Rapid turnaround on all orders, including customized items
  •     Industry-leading Twice As Sharp sharpening equipment
  •     Sharpening classroom instruction and training materials

Get More Out of Your Poultry With Wolff

When maximum yield from your available stock is essential, turn to Wolff Industries for purpose-designed, quality-manufactured professional poultry shears and knives. At Wolff, we know poultry.

We deliver:

  • The sharpest, most durable premium poultry knives and shears
  • Custom curved, blunted, and left-handed shears for maximum yield
  • Multi-size ergonomic handles to reduce fatigue and repetitive stress injuries
  • Equipment resharpening, instruction, and training materials.

Wolff also offers full-service support to match the quality of our shears, knives, and sharpening equipment. We’ll visit your plant to let your staff try our equipment on-site, and we’ll work with you to design and supply the right knife or shear for your specific application.

Click below to learn more about how Wolff’s cutting tools can help you maximize yield and return on investment for your poultry processing operation.

Poultry Processing Shears

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